Friday, October 23, 2009

eMetrics Summit in Washington DC

I just returned from an exciting three days in DC at the Web Analytics Association's eMetrics Summit. Jim Sterne opened with a great keynote. The theme was "Translating Web Intelligence into Business Value." That's a great goal and certainly a major theme of professional Web Analysts. The four main points he stressed was a focus on measuring:

Behavior or what do visitors "DO"
Attitude or what do visitors "FEEL"
Competition or how does your website "COMPARE"
Outcomes or what are the "RESULTS" of your efforts online

He stressed that management typically wants more than just data. They want your opinion.

He also encourages analyst to "Reason backwards" when building funnel analysis. In so doing, you can avoid a common trap in analysing data which is faulty causality reasoning. An example would be if you were to notice that you are selling many more umbrellas on days when it is raining, it doesn't mean that umbrellas cause rain.

He offered a "gift" to attendees which is a list of the 101 things you can do.

Beyond the keynote, there were lots of additional sessions during which I took good notes and built my own knowledge base tremendously. It's likely I'll blog about other topics soon.

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